Workshop: Autism and Technology

We are looking for autistic young adults that are interested in designing their own assistive technology. Think of a personalized fidget spinner, a wake-up light or a mobile phone application. In this blog post, we provide more information about what exactly the workshop will entail. What can you expect?...

Design Your Life Nieuwsbrief – oktober 2022

(English version below!)Je ontvangt deze mail omdat je verwant bent aan of geïnteresseerd bent in Design Your Life, het onderzoeksproject van de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen en de Universiteit Twente dat in februari 2020 van start is gegaan. Hierin wordt gewerkt aan een nieuwe methode die gericht is op...

A sneak peak into Toolkit V2.0

Toolkit V2.0 is on its way! With the help of Dreamteamers from @designlabutwente we’ve worked for the past two weeks to realise all the toolkits we need for the final testing phase. Just a few more things to finish and then we’re all set. Curious to see what the coming year...

Paper published at DRS!

Have you ever wondered how we at Design Your Life do research? You need to wonder no more! Towards a toolkit to empower young autistic adults: Using grounded theory to analyze ten design case studies, written by van Huizen et al. (2022), explains how we have analysed data gathered...

Call for participants for Stim4Sound!

Design Your Life draws your attention to a research project by a student at the University of Twente: Stim4Sound, conducted by Yi Zhang. The goal of Stim4Sound is to design an interactive system that combines “stimming” or “fidgeting” with sound, which allows autistic and non-autistic people to interact without...

Join us for the Neurodiversity Pride Day celebrations!

June 18th is neurodiversity pride day! This day is not about awareness, but about appreciation and (self)acceptance! We would like to invite you to join us for the Neurodiversity Pride Day celebrations by NeuroEmergence. At this online event you can attend presentations by speakers like Thomas Armstrong, Neurodivergent Rebel...

Toolkit V2.0 in the making!

And we are off again! The Design Your Life team is busy designing the second version of the toolkit. The picture below shows the results from our brainstorm sessions. In a few months, the toolkit will be ready to be tested on a larger scale than we have done...

Version 1.0 done and ready for testing!

After many months of case studies we are finally ready to present you with the first overall version of the toolkit! The toolkit consists of many activities divided over six design phases. Depending on the users’ personal interest, they choose which activities they want to do. The toolkit then...

MURAL spotlights Design Your Life

Here in the Design Your Life team we use various essential tools to structure and perform our research. One of them is MURAL. This online whiteboard tool helps us to visualise information, identify underlying connections and discuss those connections in visual ways. One year ago we got in contact...

Design case spotlight: Femke Wonink

In October of 2021, Femke Wonink received her MSc Industrial Design Engineering for her Design Your Life (DYL) case study. Her DYL toolkit was inspired by the concept of everyday design, a form of design that emphasizes that the designing of artefacts does not end at the level of...