Category: Uncategorized

Deelnemers gezocht! Call for Participants!

*Dutch below* From February till April 2022 the course project ‘Designing for Specific Users’ will take place. During this project, students from Industrial Design Engineering at University of Twente will collaborate with people with a disability to design a product that empowers them in their day-to-day life. However, we...

Design case spotlight: Jasmijn Sagel

On January 19th, 2021, Jamsijn Sagel received her BSc Industrial Design Engineering for her Design Your Life-design case. Her design case was a pilot for the Design Your Life project. For her bachelor assignment, Jasmijn created ‘Good Trip!’: a co-design toolkit for young autistic adults and their carers to...

Did you know…?

Did you know… You can find us on our own website,, but also on Twitter (@designyourlives) and Instagram (@designyourlifetwente)? That our office at University of Twente is plastered with sticky notes? 471 at time of writing, to be exact. That we already completed 10 case studies? That we...

Design case spotlight: Denise Wien

Did you know that we already completed ten case studies to inform our Design Your Life method and toolkit? In this series we will highlight these case studies, starting with Denise Wien! Why case studies? In these case studies we are able to test different versions and/or different aspects...

Celebrating our next DYL-graduate: Arthur Panfilova

On Friday October 15th Arthur Panfilova presented his Bachelor thesis titled: ‘Redesign of a toolkit aimed toincrease the independence of young autistic adults’ at University of Twente. He can now call himself a BSc in Industrial Design Engineering! His thesis focussed on integrating the work of the first four...

Femke Wonink: our newest DYL-graduate

On Thursday October 14th, Femke Wonink succesfully defended her thesis with the title ‘TO BE AND TO BECOME AN EVERYDAY DESIGNER’. For her master assignment in Industrial Design Engineering (University of Twente), she answers the question: How can the concept of everyday design help YAA and their caregivers in selecting...

DYL participant presented at Autminds 2021

On Sunday 10th of October the Design Your Life project was presented during Autminds 2021. This conference is created, organised and presented by and for autistic people. During this meeting Design Your Life-project leader Jelle van Dijk provided an introduction, explaining the project to the group, consisting of 70+...

A successful multi-stakeholder meeting

On Monday 11th of October we held our third multi-stakeholdermeeting! During this meeting we presented our current progress in integrating all the insights from the 10 design cases and the previous stakeholder meetings into a new Design Your Life toolkit. The participants were a mixed group of autistic people,...

Design Your Life participants present at Autminds 2021

[Dutch version below] On October 10th two participants of the Design Your Life project will present their experiences using the Design Your Life method alongside Jelle van Dijk at the Autminds 2021 conference. This conference will take place online and this presentation will be held in Dutch. Find the...